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yellow and brown leaves on white ceramic tiles
yellow and brown leaves on white ceramic tiles

Auckland, New Zealand

In my interactions with Gilles, over more than a decade, I have always known him to be a genuine person and a top calibre professional with high standards that he takes pleasure in meeting consistently.

During his work in New Zealand and throughout his international career, he has taken sincere interest in all team members he has managed and relates exceptionally well to his team.

His high integrity is also evident with his colleagues. Skilled at assisting people to develop professionally, he is an inspiration for his team and excellent at creating and maintaining team Kpis, ensuring success and stability for immediate and long term business growth. As a strategic thinker with creativity, Gilles is a pleasure to work with and likes to maintain high energy levels and a positive atmosphere – this combined with his clear vision gives any organisation or project he works on the stability, solutions, structure and direction it needs.

Toronto, Canada

It’s rare that you come across standout a talent like Gilles. I’ve had the pleasure of working with him over the last two years, collaborating on projects with TEC Canada. I’m in awe of his steady focus and commitment to working with leaders to both build performance and continuously improve.” Considering his international business experience, he is an incredible resource as a business leader and TEC Chair.”

Paris, France

I was delighted to work with Gilles a few years ago in Paris. At that time he was managing his responsibility with great passion for his customers. Gilles is enthusiastic, passionate and open minded. Moreover, he is a very international person.

Taipei, Taiwan

Gilles is an excellent manager who has a brilliant understanding of the business and provides great support and motivation to staff members. He is solution focussed with an outstanding vision.

Montreal, Canada

Gilles est une personne vaillante, à l'écoute de ses pairs et cherchant toujours à offrir le meilleur de lui-même. Il esT passionné par l'humain et par la réussite de chaque projet qu'il entreprend.

Très humble et organisé, Gilles est un collègue qui sait fait ressortir le meilleur des membres de son équipe. Je le recommande sans hésiter à tout individu qui désire progresser et obtenir du succès. J'espère avoir la chance de retravailler avec lui dans le futur!

Lille, France

I had the pleasure to work with Gilles at Decathlon, collaborating on several major business projects. I was impressed by Gilles’s ability to handle the technical side of any project and effortlessly make the link with users. That skill often takes years to develop, but it seemed to come perfectly naturally to him. No matter how tense the schedule to implement each week, Gilles made sure everyone had a clear understanding and left ready for action to keep users happy. I can recommend Gilles as a person with great skills and deep expertise of solutions. Broad-minded Manager. Open minded expert. With Gilles, every problem had a solution. As a leader, Gilles earns my highest recommendation.

Montreal, Canada

Gilles est une personne vaillante, à l'écoute de ses pairs et cherchant toujours à offrir le meilleur de lui-même. Il esT passionné par l'humain et par la réussite de chaque projet qu'il entreprend.

Très humble et organisé, Gilles est un collègue qui sait fait ressortir le meilleur des membres de son équipe. Je le recommande sans hésiter à tout individu qui désire progresser et obtenir du succès. J'espère avoir la chance de retravailler avec lui dans le futur!

New Caledonia

Authentique et exigeant, leader humain, Gilles sait écouter et faire avancer les choses dans la bonne direction. Ses conseils sont d'une grande valeur ajoutée et sont très personnalisés. Je recommande fortement à toute personne devant prendre des décisions d'affaires stratégiques à faire appel à Gilles.

I had the pleasure to work with Gilles at Decathlon, collaborating on several major business projects. I was impressed by Gilles’s ability to handle the technical side of any project and effortlessly make the link with users. That skill often takes years to develop, but it seemed to come perfectly naturally to him. No matter how tense the schedule to implement each week, Gilles made sure everyone had a clear understanding and left ready for action to keep users happy. I can recommend Gilles as a person with great skills and deep expertise of solutions. Broad-minded Manager. Open minded expert. With Gilles, every problem had a solution. As a leader, Gilles earns my highest recommendation.

Gilles is an excellent manager who has a brilliant understanding of the business and provides great support and motivation to staff members. He is solution focussed with an outstanding vision.

I had the chance to work in collaboration with Mr.Prepoint for several years.

He was able to motivate his work team, to do research in order to find solutions.

Doing different, breaking out of the norm, habits and going further are what characterize his way of working.

in addition, he always had an attentive ear for me, who lived challenges as a team leader.

what made a difference for me is his approach, he never told me what to do, he rather led me to think so I question myself and find a solution that is my color and with which i am comfortable. he never judged my work, rather he looked at it with a different eye, which allowed me to grow personally and as a leader. 

Captain - Air Cadets - Royal Air Force, Canada